miércoles, 14 de enero de 2009

"Los dioses de DotA" (Advertencia: tono sarcastico) xD

Bueno aqui un video de los "dioses de dota" xD, mirenlo y veran a que se refieren en el video :P. OWNED...

Este y otros videos en la lista de reproducción de "reirse"

domingo, 11 de enero de 2009

Ultimas cosas en la pagina de starcraft 2

1)Un wallpaper:

Lo pueden encontrar en: http://eu.starcraft2.com/downloads.xml#wallpapers


2)La votación entre los modelos para el dark templar:



3)Tambien se han agregado algunos screenshots nuevos: -(haciendo click se ven por completo)-

Tambien pueden verlos en: http://eu.starcraft2.com/screenshots.xml

Nota: la cosa espinosa que cuelga de uno de los muros en uno de los screenshots es un doodad (un adorno del mapa), no una unidad zerg. De hecho segun respondieron son huesos zerg.


4)Algunas preguntas y respuestas:

En los dias recientes se han respondido algunas preguntas por parte de cydra en el foro USA de sc2, pueden verlas en http://forums.battle.net/board.html?forumId=12009&sid=3000 (son los post que tienen el logo "blizz")

Alternativamente aqui estan en texto (al final de cada parte despues del /// una ligera conclusión de cada uno):

A) Q u o t e:
What's that green bubble on the BC?
And, by the way, what's current number of maximum Interceptors per Carrier?

-The green bubble on the Battlecruiser in the screenshot is Defensive Matrix.
Defensive Matrix surrounds the Battlecruiser with a shield that can absorb 200 damages and it expires after 20 seconds.

Currently Carrier can have 8 or less Interceptors. Initially Carrier has 4 Interceptors and you can train 4 more Interceptors. You can do right click to activate auto-casting of training Interceptors. /// Dice que el carrier tiene 4 interceptors de arranque y se le pueden agregar 4 mas, se puede dejar en autocasting para producirlos y la burbuja verde del battlecruiser es una defensive matrix.

B) Q u o t e:
destructibles/neutral structures? (sorry, the line was too long for the title box)

We've already seen the rocks, the Xel'Naga watch towers, and the Tall grass. Any other neutral/destructible/ doodad?(assuming tall grass is considered a doodad) that we haven't heard about?

-As you mentioned, currently there are three features in the map, which are Destructible Rocks, Grass and Xel'Naga Watch Tower. And as you can see the answer to the same question in Q&A Batch 47, our development team will be pleased to add more if we can design other features which will make the game more exciting and balanced as well.

However, in my opinion, it seriously affects gameplay itself and the balance as well, so that it needs to be very careful to find and add more features, for keeping gameplay still exciting and balaced.

Right now, there is no other addition to the map, other than those three features. ///Por ahora adiciones al mapa las rocas destruibles, la hierba y las torres de vigilancia xel'naga.

C) Q u o t e:
I don't know does SCV will have or already have (in SC2) such option (which player can turn on/off) that SCV will repair automatically nearby building or vehicles (like medics in original SC were healing infantry ) if they are in certain moment do nothing. I think that such possibility would be a quiet good and useful. In original SC it was a little bit frustrating for me that I had to order SCV to repair unit by unit by my self. I think that SCV should have option for auto-repair things if player wants to use it.

-Yeah, SCV currently has the auto-casting Repair ability and you can activate or deactivate auto-casting Repair. ///Los scv de los terrans pueden dejar en autocasting la reparación.

D) -There are two upgrades possible at Twilight Council, one is researching 'Charge' for Zealots and the other is researching 'Blink' for Stalkers.

Charge upgrade for Zealots includes movement speed increase of Zealots as well.
So to speak, Charge increases the movement speed of Zealots AND allows them to intercept nearby enemies. /// La mejora de "carga" de los zealots a su vez les da incremento pasivo de velocidad de movimiento y la habilidad de hacer carga.

E) Q u o t e:
just curious on how it's coming :-)

-The Infestor is being modeled and textured right now from the Sammy's concept art - when it is ready, we'll be sure to include it in some epic screenshots for everyone.///El modelo del infestor esta siendo rediseñado y pronto se vera en algunas screenshots.

F) Q u o t e:
All credits for this suggestion go to Subterranian Ardor from the SWire forum (http://www.starcraftwire.net/forums/showthread.php?p=8701#post8701). I just wanted to know what you guys over here think of it.

This is a rather simple suggestion: the zerg burrowing ability should have two different hotkeys: one for the unburrowed state (say "b" for burrow), another one for the burrowed state (say "u" for unburrow). this prevents all the trouble you get when you have a group selected and part is burrowed and another part is unburrowed. the same could apply to cloaked units, deployed siege tanks/crawlers and any other unit with on/off abilities.

I'd add a simple additional suggestion: give the burrowed version of a unit a different icon in the user interface, so you can easily tell who's who in a selected group. perhaps the same could work for cloaked/uncloaked units.

-I checked your suggestions from the current development build and this is little bit complicated for me to explain. ;)

Let's say you have Zerglings in one group and some of Zerglings in a group are burrowed and the others are not. You can switch your selection of Zerglings burrowed or unburrowed in a group by hitting Tab key and also UI color is different for the units of which the ability is on with some more darked green color.
And you can use Tab key as well for Siege Tank's Siege Mode, Spine Crawler's Root.

However, for unit's cloaking ability like Ghost and Banshee, I couldn't swith off the selection of Cloaked/Decloaked units in one group by Tab key.

And one more thing, when you double click on a unit, you can select all of the same units even though some of the same units' ability is on and other's off like Siege Mode or Cloak. But you can select only burrowed or rooted units by double clicking on burrowed or rooted units.

I will check this more with Development team and if I have additional information on this, I will share it with you. /// Al seleccionar unidades del mismo tipo digamos zerglins enterrados y no enterrados, el grupo enterrados/no-enterrados se podra cambiar con TAB y tendran un color en el boton ligeramente diferente. El resto falta por aclarar mas.

-Bien eso es todo por ahora ;)-

jueves, 1 de enero de 2009

Momentos de los simpsons xD

Algunos de los momentos mas clasicos en los simpsons, que se diviertan recordandolos o viendolos si es que nunca han visto alguno. (nota: esto si era sarcasmo)

Si quieren verlos todos aqui el link: ;)

Felia Año 2009 ;)

Desearles a todos un feliz año ;) y que logren lo que desean.