miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2008

Quiz de personalidad de DOTA

A continuación encontraran un entretenido Quiz de personalidad basado en los heroes de dota, gracias a Van (jose), por este interesante y curioso aporte.
Al final les mostraran que heroe va con su personalidad y les daran la imagen para que la adjunten como firma o en otras cosas. (la imagen debe guardarse en png o gif para conservar las transparencias)

Ir al quiz de personalidad de dota en: http://www.trickznstuff.net/dotaquiz/

A mi en particular me salio:

You are an honest and strong member of the team. Though sometimes reckless, you are always willing to put yourself in harms way to aid others.

Si desean agregarse contacten conmigo, unico requisito tener la imagen y la descripción y yo la coloco. :D

A Van le salio:

You most resemble Dirge, the Undying!

You own an exceptionally filthy and despicable exterior, through on the inside you are actually quite honest. You amass huge amounts of weapons and armor before disposing of your opposition.

A scorpius le salio:

A Andrex le salio:

You value power and love the night; you enjoy bringing pain to others and strike fear into the hearts of many!

1 comentario:

  1. You most resemble Dirge, the Undying!

    You own an exceptionally filthy and despicable exterior, through on the inside you are actually quite honest. You amass huge amounts of weapons and armor before disposing of your opposition.
    -Bleh! la momia sux!
